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Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC

Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC is a secure and shareable document which can be used by any Aadhaar holder for offline verification of identification.

After entering Aadhaar/VID, create a Share Code of 4-characters. A ZIP file containing the Resident's Paperless Offline eKYC will be password protected using the same Share Code. The file will be downloaded into the Resident's device/desktop.

To avail the service the resident will have to share the ZIP file, the Share Code and registered mobile number with the service provider.

  • 1
    Required Docs

    Aadhar number with registered mobile

  • 2

    Enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number or 16 digit Virtual ID to begin

  • 3
    Get Token

    Get Token by filling request form if you require to hire an operator for any support.

  • 4

    Within some hours.

Usage of Aadhaar

Government of India funds a number of social welfare schemes focused towards the poor and most vulnerable sections of society. Aadhaar and its platform offer a unique opportunity to the government to streamline their welfare delivery mechanism and thereby ensuring transparency and good governance.

For Governments, Service Agencies

The UIDAI issues Aadhaar number to residents only after de-duplicating their demographic and biometric attributes against its entire database. Aadhaar authentication enables elimination of duplicates under various schemes and is expected to generate substantial savings to the government exchequer. It also provides the government with accurate data on beneficiaries, enables direct benefit programs, and allows the government departments/service providers to coordinate and optimize various schemes. Aadhaar will enable implementing agencies to verify beneficiaries and ensure targeted delivery of benefits. All these activities will lead to:

Curbing Leakages through Targeted Delivery: Welfare programs where beneficiaries are required to be confirmed before the service delivery, stand to benefit from UIDAIā€™s authentication services. This will result in curbing leakages and ensuring that services are delivered to the intended beneficiaries only. Examples include subsidized food and kerosene delivery to Public Distribution System (PDS) beneficiaries, worksite attendance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) beneficiaries, etc.

Improving Efficiency and Efficacy: With the Aadhaar platform providing accurate and transparent information about the service delivery mechanism, government can improve disbursement systems and utilize scarce development funds more effectively and efficiently including better human resource utilization involved in the service delivery network.

For Residents

Aadhaar system provides single source offline/online identity verification across the country for the residents. Once residents enrol, they can use the Aadhaar number to authenticate and establish their identity multiple times using electronic means or through offline verification, as the case may be. It eliminates the hassle of repeatedly providing supporting identity documents each time a resident wishes to access services, benefits and subsidies. By providing a portable proof of identity that can be verified through Aadhaar authentication on-line anytime, anywhere, the Aadhaar system enables mobility to millions of people who migrate from one part of the country to another.